Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Wall Street: New York, New York.......Mystic Silks

I don't know about you, Mr., Mrs., or Ms. America how you feel about our government financially rescuing, bailing out the top dogs on Wall Street, but I think it smells like a dead skunk!
When was the last time our government hurried a bill through congress to financially rescue you? And asked no questions? Required no guarantee, that the financial troubles they're( or we're) getting you out of, will not happen again? NEVER! NEVER! NEVER!

I want an investigation of the internal working of these financial institutes to find out what happened? Who authorized the inept working of these companies that ended up with the US government having to bail them out? I want to know: Don't you?

I want to know why the CEO's of these almost defunct financial institutions give themselves huge salaries, that the average American will never see? How can these CEO's be worth that income, if their financial ships are sinking to the bottom of the money ocean on Wall Street?

Would you get paid for doing a lousy job? Hell, no you'd get fired!

Let's ask ourselves, what the heck is going on here?

Have we all gone nuts? Are we sticking our heads in the sand? Do we want accountability from the people our money is helping to save?

Have you called your State Rep? Your congressman? Have you asked them to make these CEO's

1 comment:

Mystic Silks said...

I really thought this was and still is a great post!