Friday, September 18, 2009

Artfire Now Hosts Mysticsilks!!

OK, world, I got on another online band-wagon selling site called

I will say this about the site: (1)It is easy to use, easy to upload photos, offers social networking , has a forum. (2) It is free for listing up to 12 listings. After 12 it will cost $12.00/month with no selling fees commission.

It appears to be a well run site. I really like how they have their category sections set up: When I listed an original painting, it took me to handmade/fine art. I clicked on that, and in the listed sub categories found, paintings, clicked on that, then was able to click on subject of painting: Bing, bang, bung it was done!

Not like another site I use where your original paintings are somehow mixed with jewelry, painted boxes, broom sticks,etc.

So come on over take a look--:)

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