Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Zycam--Good or Not So Good?

I recently heard about the side affects that some people are reporting from the use of Zycam. And of course the makers of Zycam are denying any side affects.
What is Zycam? It is an OVC cold reducer with the main ingredient of Zinc; the Zycam I used was a nasal swab. I am still not sure how zinc works in the nose to reduce cold germs. But when I first inserted the nasal swab, my upper nasal passages burned like hell, my eyes watered. I withdrew the swab, with murmurings of; oh shi-, ouch, all the while hopping from one foot to another.
Yet,all the while I am telling myself that this curative torture(Zycam) was better than the upper respiratory infection of a c-o-l-d!
And, I added to these thoughts that the FDA would not allow a product to be sold to the GP without being thoroughly tested, right? Part of the loss of the age of innocence, right!

I may have used it one other time, and after experiencing the same nasty side affects, I never used it again. In fact I just threw out the dated box last year.
But I never complained to anybody. Nowadays, I chalk every new hurt, or discomfort up to the aging factor.
The learned medical community has not really taken the time to research what is the normal affects of aging and what is not. And if they have they sure are not publicizing it as much as is needed.
Anyway, I digress. As a result of having used this Zycam, I have noticed that my sense of smell has been greatly reduced most of the time. Then there are times when my dtr-in-law's perfume will make my eyes and nose water for days. The sense of smell is too heightened. Yet when I try to smell the fragrance of a rose, the smell is dulled. I also notice my sense of taste is also diminished. My nose always seems to run.But again I am thinking it's 'old age'--

Now, I know my first thoughts were most correct, it wasn't an aging factor, as much as it was the Zycam. I was only in my early 50's when I first used it.

So, what can we learn from this Zycam experience? Be aware? Cautious?
If it hurts when using it, don't use it? That's not a bad answer. The body's intelligence is a great alert system. If it smells bad don't eat it. If something hurts when sticking it in your nose, don't do it!

Have a better day folks--:)

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